It would be a joy to share the journey…

Elaine Little

I first came to Patmos more than 30 years ago and have been captivated by it’s magical power ever since. For me, Patmos is coming home. It draws me back every year with a trusted promise of returning to a simpler and more sacred life. I hope you can join us and experience that same magic!

As a humanitarian storyteller, my work draws from 4 decades of storytelling across 65 countries and multiple platforms, including photography, film, books, workshops and gatherings. From African villages, to refugee camps, to women survivors of trauma and trafficking, I’ve been blessed and inspired to walk alongside and connect with so many remarkable people.

I believe each one of us is called to live out our story. It is sacred. It is uniquely ours. And every day we are creating it … and trying to make sense of it. I believe exploring our story, learning from our story, and re-imagining our story is a powerful process at any age.

I look forward to connecting!

Elizabeth Boesen

I am a question-asker. And you know what? There isn't a better place to ponder and listen for answers than on the island of Patmos.

 As a certified coach – for leaders, for life-pivoters, for those looking to start or end their careers well, for those on sobriety journeys, and most of all, for those wanting to discover their whole self in the context of their unique story – I enjoy asking the perfect question to prompt your deep personal transformation.

 I love to encourage others’ self-knowledge, and am certified in a range of tools for doing so, including the Enneagram, CliftonStrengths, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, and the EQ-i 2.0 (emotional intelligence).

 I have seen the power of clients’ moving from this self-awareness into self-compassion, and finally, out into intentional, compassionate action in the world. And the sacredness of Patmos, and the beauty of our setting, make it an ideal place for such a journey!

 Having served as a luxury travel guide in both Europe and Asia, and lived in 5 countries on 3 continents, I understand the power of cross-cultural experiences, deep physical comfort, and stunning natural beauty as catalysts for peak transformative experiences. Your time with us will be smooth and sacred.

I’m excited for you to join Elaine, Amie and me on this transformative journey together on the sacred island of Patmos.  Siga Siga!



Amie Chilcoat

Experiencing the magic of Patmos for the first time a few years ago, I was enchanted! The Island has a way of captivating and resetting my spirit. The Aegean Sea heals and provides clarity for me. As a life-long adventurer, travel has always been in my DNA, as my journey has taken me from exploring the streets of Havana, Cuba to backpacking the Milford Track in New Zealand. Through it all, I am drawn to the authentic beauty of each place. The true gift is crossing paths with the local people and travelers like myself — sharing connection and stories.

When I’m not exploring the world, I am a perennial entrepreneur. My story has taken me on a creative career path from archeologist, commercial salmon fisherwoman, referee for women’s lacrosse at the international level…to a niche of relocating amazing international clients moving to the DC metro area.

Here’s to the adventure of a small Greek Island! I look forward to meeting each of you and sharing the magic of Patmos.